PowerPoint // Report Automation

Last minute changes?
No problem.

Save hours each week and trust your numbers. With Grunt reports you can focus on the tasks that really matter.
Setup icon

Simple setup

Get started right away with your existing systems.

No need for large and complex IT system integrations!
Update icon

Instant update

Updating your report is done with a single click.

Stressful, last-minute work is a thing of the past!
Quality icon

Superior quality

Grunt guarantees correct numbers and formatting.

Free your time to do more value adding tasks!

Our customers love what we do

We know presentations. Our clients have even received standing ovations when they present their new reports. Want to be next?

Grunt simplifies and streamlines our entire reporting process!

We get:

+ Higher precision
+ Increased quality
+ Hours saved every week
We've been searching for a flexible and powerful reporting solution that doesn't require us to make significant IT investments.

Grunt has proved to be exactly what we were searching for, helping us substantially simplify and improve our monthly reporting!

Our Board of Directors was impressed with how well Grunt visualizes our KPIs.
I love Grunt!

It's simply mind-blowing how good it is once you understand the power it provides.

Replicating reporting across our business units has become super easy for us.
Stop doing reports like these!
Switch to best practice reporting!
Clear communication Correct data Visually pleasing Instant updates Easy to use Quick setup Flexible to changes Low cost

The right way to do reporting

Reporting shouldn’t be stressful. You shouldn’t be worried about presenting the wrong numbers. Meet Grunt! Reporting reinvented.

Simple reporting. Superior quality!

Computers are better at repetitive tasks than humans. It’s that simple. Leave the time-consuming, monotonous work to Grunt – and free your time to more valuable commitments.

  • Easy to set up

    Grunt reports don’t require expensive IT integration. We simply adapt to your existing infrastructure and processes. Can you get your data into Excel? Great! You’re ready.

  • Easy to use

    We help you design and setup your report the first time. You’ll only have to update your numbers in Excel the next period. Grunt will take care of the rest.

  • Guaranteed quality

    You’re probably not a designer nor a consultant with an endless budget. Getting quality and consistency right every time is hard. Unless you’re Grunt and loves quality and consistency.

Data flow visualization

How it works

Updating monthly reports is often a stressful experience. With Grunt, we’ve made it fast and simple. You make sure your data is correct in Excel. Grunt will take care of the rest.

  • 01
    Update your Excel model

    Get your numbers from your current systems into the Excel model. Do the necessary data processing. It’s nothing more than what you’d have to do already.

  • 02
    Let Grunt do the Gruntwork (there is no step 2)

    Grunt updates your report with the right numbers. Charts, tables and other visualisations are updated automatically.

  • 03
    Communicate your analysis

    Now it’s your time to shine. Spend your time adding useful insight. This where you really add value – yet the part you seldom have time to do sufficiently!

Old tasks you’ll never miss

Discover a modern workflow without friction. Here are some tasks you'll never miss when using Grunt reports:

  • Copy & paste. Copy & paste. Copy & paste.

    Moving data from your data model and into your report, every time the data updates. Over and over again.

  • Re-formatting new content

    You’ve formatted your content to perfection. Now you have to do everything all over again just because you’ve got new data.

  • Double-checking everything

    Did you remember to update the small figures on the last slide? Did you manage to correctly update all the charts?

  • Stressful last-minute changes

    Your colleague is running late with their numbers, which means you’re running late. This will be a long night!

No more boring tasks
Next level reports
We’re here to help
Our team of experienced consultants and designers are ready to support you! Let’s join forces and re-vitalize your report 🎉
Next level reports
We’re here to help
Our team of experienced consultants and designers are ready to support you! Leave your email and we’ll be in touch.
Next level reports
See the result for yourself
Download an example report to experience how easy Grunt reports can be updated.